Contact us

Address, accessibility

XII. district Győri út 2./c II. 3rd floor door

Győri út is located parallel to Alkotás út, opposite the College of Physical Education.
You can also approach MURMO from Csörsz and Márvány Street.
Numerous cafés and restaurants can be found in the nearby MOM Park Shopping Center.

There is a playground in Csörsz utca, next to the TF sports grounds or in the Gesztenyés garden near MOM. There are several good opportunities to play outdoors for kids nearby.

Buda's public transport:
It is worth to get off of Bus no.105 at the Győri út stop.
 105 bus timetable (pdf)



On the telephone: on Monday and Wednesday, from 9am to 11pm, at +36 20 374 8983.


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