Pro-Juventa Foundation

Our goals

We focus on child and adolescent psychiatry education and therapy on prevention of mental illness, on supporting the development of art and creative therapies, and on promoting organizations and events with similar aims. We want to raise our community’s awareness the importance of child- and adolescent psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation and how mental health problems are presented in the media.

Past, present and future

We focus on child and adolescent psychiatry education and therapy on prevention of mental illness, on supporting the development of art and creative therapies, and on promoting organizations and events with similar aims. We want to raise our community’s awareness the importance of child- and adolescent psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation and how mental health problems are presented in the media.

Past, present and future

Our foundation was established in 1996 by the workers of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department of the Hungarian Psychiatric and Neurological Institution (Országos Pszichiátriai és Neurológiai Intézet - OPNI). After the closure of OPNI, the Foundation continued organizing artistic occupations and art therapies at various places with a wide range of choice.

The foundation - after its last reformation - has set new goals to support children and young people with psychiatric problems to a greater extent.

Due to the persistent health reorganization and the lack of child psychiatric departments, curing children who need a longer therapy has become more difficult within the framework of hospital departments, and possibilities of prevention have become more restricted too. In the future, we aim to help those children who are not yet in need of hospital treatment (or they are no longer in need of it), but we would also like to support the work of child care homes and temporary homes where we can manage longer therapeutic processes so that the recovery of these children can be faster and more comprehensive. We also await these children to group- and individual therapies in MURMO.  According to plan, children will have te opportunity to be accompanied by volunteers by prior arrangement.

As health care has reorganized and become ‘managed’, there are fewer resources put to caring for children with mental health difficulties. Prevention programs have also been put on hold. This is where Pro Juventa and Murmo step in. We help children before they enter the mental health care system and after they leave it, if they need more support.

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