
From a professional point of view we find it important that our colleagues attend supervision regularly besides our team discussions. This assures the high professional standard and efficiency of the MURMO team.

Contributing supervisor of our monthly case discussion teams is Márta Merényi.

Colleagues who support our work through individual supervision: .

Dragomán Judit,

dr. Fadgyas Ildikó,

Jakab Katalin,

Kácsándi Elvira,

Koller Éva,

Korbuly Ágnes,

Sáray Tímea

Holly Dwyer Hall

Mathias Lohmer

Brenda Tarragona

Lina Normandin.


They helped the founders at the beginning:

Dr. Herczeg Ilona

Koller Éva

K. Németh Margit

Szőnyi Magda

Dr. Stark András

Vikár András.


Professional founders of Murmo:

Komáromi Erzsébet Katalin

Pap Erika

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