What cases do we work with?
For little children and children in elementary school
- Problems with eating, drinking and potty-training
- Problems regarding separation from the parents, difficulties with leaving the child in kindergarden/school
- Speech impairment, stuttering
- Jealousy of another sibling
- Regular headache, stomach ache, nausea or hair-pulling with no physiological background
- Symptoms of anxiety: school phobia, compulsion, nail biting, irrationally strong fear of some situations or objects
- Increased sensitivity, excessive shyness, excessive aggression
- Difficulties with integrating to a community
- Behavioural problems
- Providing help for children with learning disabilities or children with SEN (special educational needs)
- Providing help for traumatized children
- Diagnosis of psychiatric disorders that do not require clinical attendance
For adolescents
- Drop in performance
- Adolescent-crisis, life-coaching, suicidal thoughts
- Dysphoria
- Anxiety disorder, Panic
- Problems related to sexuality
- Difficulty to integrate
- Family conflicts
- Career orientation counselling
- Problems related to self-esteem
- Internet addiction, overusage of smartphone
- Providing help for children with learning disabilities or children with SEN (special educational needs)
- Providing help for traumatized children
- Diagnosis of psychiatric disorders which do not require clinical attendance
For expectant and young mothers
- Preparation for motherhood
- Focusing on the parent’s childness
- Difficulties related to the pregnancy
- Former miscarriage, stillbirth and developmental abnormalities
- Processing traumas
- Lactation issues
- Mother-baby connection issues
- Relationship difficulties caused by childbirth
For adults
- Life-coaching
- Relationship difficulties
- Questions about parenthood
- Feeling of not fitting together well with the child
- Physical illnesses
- Sleep disturbance
- Other specific problem waiting for a solution